Journey of Hardware New Product Development: Nurturing Ideas into Production Realities

Journey of Hardware New Product Development: Nurturing Ideas into Production Realities

In the heart of innovation, where ideas spark like never before, the journey of hardware development takes center stage. Today, hardware engineers transmute raw ideas into tangible realities, with the magic of circuits and silicon. Join us on this journey where we will unveil the process of hardware development – beginning right from generating ideas to the solid ground of production.

Development of a new product in hardware can be an extremely challenging process. This is because there are several steps that designers go through for launching a new quality product. The lifecycle of a hardware product development includes the idea creation, design, engineering, and validation phases that are involved in NPD. Various decisions are taken during the entire lifecycle. These decisions determine the cost-effectiveness of the process and mitigate any technical or non-technical difficulties.

What is Hardware Product Development

The process of hardware product development begins with the raw idea about the product and ends with the introduction of a desired product. It is better to start the process with a formal roadmap. Because without a proper plan, designers may run out of money, go past deadlines, or face unseen difficulties due to various reasons. To create a successful product, it is advisable to follow a strictly disciplined process called product lifecycle management (PLM). This process covers different aspects of hardware product development. This includes specification, research, design, manufacturing, sales, and

Let’s explore the various phases of hardware product development

Ideation phase
It all begins with that electrifying idea. This is the 1st phase, and it is all about defining the need or
opportunity. It is also important to find out that the proposed solution works. Let’s understand with an example – you want to create a smart device to entertain your cat, you may want to test with lasers and feathers to see which one it prefers more.
As soon as you clearly define your project, and you have a potential solution, it is time for you to move to the next step.

Concept phase
As soon as you have a potential solution, it is time to optimize it and test different design assumptions. One thing which you need to ensure is that the product you have in mind will actually offer a solution that users are ready to adopt and accept.
In this phase, the most important thing is a user-centric approach. It is useful as it guarantees that your product offers the solution the users want. Since the first prototype, invite users to test your product and constantly work towards improving the user experience.

Designing and Engineering Phase
After the idea and concepts have been clearly defined, it is time for you to start designing and
engineering. The prime focus of the Design phase is on how the product feels, while the Engineering phase revolves around the functionality of the product.

The beginning of the design phase is with something as simple as sketches. It is important to understand the shapes and different parts that the design will have.

The aim of this phase is to have a non-functional prototype. When you reach this phase, you’ll need to define how the device you have in mind would entertain the cat. What would be the movement of laser or feathers? Would this be a rugged device or a designer product? To save time and resources during the next phase, refine the concept as much as you can.

Engineering phase
While you are designing the product, it is important to focus on the Engineering phase. This is because both take place at the same time.

It is time to check the reliability of the product and how it works. The engineering phase must end with a functional prototype that focuses on the core features of the product.

To find the most efficient solution, it’s normal to create prototypes that use different components.
Hardware development should be a repetitive process. The improvement in the project is only possible when you test the prototypes with users and gather valuable feedback.

For instance, in the Engineering phase, 5 different functional prototypes would be created that would be tested by users and the feedback would be shared.

Prototyping phase
It is time to combine the results of the Design and Engineering phases. In this phase, it is to be checked that the resulting prototypes can be manufactured at large scale or not. If not, this means that some design or engineering features will need to be removed.

During the Prototyping phase, the product will be tested and validated from the perspective of design and engineering. In case the product is validated, one last step would be: production validation. As soon as the product and the manufacturing process are validated, the Prototyping phase ends.

Production phase
The beginning of the product life cycle marks the end of the development process. This is the point where you should have an economic and marketing plan to ensure the success of your launched product. When the product is finally on the market, listen to the users. Implement fixes for some software bugs or other issues you may have skipped during the different testing sessions.

Iterative process
It is important to remember the fact the product development is an iterative process. Consider the fact that the only way to develop the best product is to design and test solutions until you have a clear view of the needs of the users. The idea should be to involve users from the beginning and implement feedback loops accordingly.

During NPD, each phase in the hardware product development lifecycle has a distinct purpose, set of goals, and exit criteria. If you are looking forward to designing a hardware electronics product, the experts of Radiocord are right at your service and can help you with the development process. Our tools offer a full range of product lifecycle management functionalities that can ensure data effectiveness at every stage. In the rooms filled with creativity, Radiocord collaborates with visionaries from diverse industries – aviation, healthcare, logistics, and more. For us, ideas are not just concepts; they are seeds that, when nurtured carefully, develop into groundbreaking innovations.

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